Xiao Ren Guo (小人国) @ Taipei (台北)

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Xiao Ren Guo (小人国) is a nice place to visit and spend 1 full day at. It's amazing to see the various iconic miniatures constructed for display at the area. It's feels like taking a trip around the "world" in 1 single day.

Taking photo with the liberty statue makes me feel like I've saved a trip to New York.

Here's the Pisa Tower - Italy

Drawing a lot just to try out how the machine works haha.. so cool.

I like their cute looking icons too.

Happily taking a train ride

I can't remember the name of this stones but it's one of the typical default windows wall paper that we get to set.

That's how tall each buildings can be and the details of the buildings are really very refined.

That's the blue sky

Ferry wheel which I didn't ride on

Japanese buildings

China Palace.. it's so much like those which I saw in China Dramas mini people included too.


The Great wall of China were we can admire the entire stretch within minutes :P

Feels like it's a 1 day "world" tour doesn't it?


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