Yang Ji Ice Peanuts & Corn (杨记花生玉米冰)
Thursday, November 24, 2011
花生玉米加三圆冰 (TWD $80) |
The All-In-Mixed Ice as shown in the photo above is one that you should give a try as it contains peanuts, corn, yam ball, sweet potato ball and rice ball, sweet tasting and nice to eat. Even though the 2 of us shared this bowl of ice, we still didn't managed to finished it all, probably because we ate too much in total. There are also other desserts available but if you have 2 or more people in your group, I would recommend that you give this dessert a try. For me, being a corn lover, I like the corn part of it most :)
Address: 台北市汉口街二段 38 & 40号
Opening Hours: 11:00 - 22:00
Tel: (02) 2375-2223
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