Shihfen Waterfall (十分瀑布)

Friday, January 20, 2012

After a long walk, we finally reached the Shihfen Waterfall (十分瀑布). I would say that it's tiring but certainly worth our time. The journey is a beautiful walkway with nice scenery of the river that led us towards the waterfall.

Btw, there's an entrance fee that you need to pay to get into the place to look at the Largest Waterfall in Taipei. Anyway, all the nice scenery areas of Taipei needs entrance fee but of course it helps them preserve the area better and to maintain it.

Due to the slopes and stairs, it's advise that you reach the area before 5pm so that we'll still get the see the waterfall otherwise, it might get too dark. :) Night falls pretty early in Taipei as compared to Singapore.

How to get here:
From Taipei (台北) take MRT (捷运) to Taipei Main Station (台北车站) and then the Train (台铁) from Taipei Main Station (台北车站) to Ruifang Station (瑞芳站) change to the PingSi Line (平溪线) towards PingSi Station (平溪站). Although the nearest station seems to be DaHua Station (大华站) but you can only walk there via Shihfen Station (十分站) due to the walking route's availability. So you will need to alight at the Shihfen station (十分站) then walk there according to the map located at the station. It's a pretty long route, probably about 20 - 30mins just to walk there.
Note: You can only use Easy Card up to Ruifang Station (瑞芳站) and will need to buy the per trip or 1 day pass for the PingSi Line (平溪线).

Here's the slideshow of all the photos taken at the Waterfall. (I figured that it'll be too slow to load everything into the page manually so might as well put it into the slideshow view)


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