鳕鱼海苔脆片 - Codfish Pastry with Seaweed

Monday, January 2, 2012

Bought a packet of the delicious Codfish Pastry with Seaweed (鳕鱼海苔脆片) at Jiufen (九份) from the 九份黄金好运烧菓子工坊 (Jiufen Lucky Cake Store). I even took their namecard as the friendly sales person says that they also provide delivery to any parts of Taipei at a charge of TD$100. Which is pretty convenient if we wanted to eat that pastry but isn't dropping by Jiufen during our trip.

Contact Person: Qiu Xing Hong (邱幸弘)
Shop Name:  九份黄金好运烧菓子工坊 (Jiufen Lucky Cake Store)
Address: 72-1 Jishan St. Ruifang Township, Taipei country 224, Taiwan
(72之1号台北县瑞芳镇基山街 - 九份老街)
HP: 0939-652-238
Tel: +886-2-2406-3319


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