Shihfen Train Station (十分车站) - Pingsi Line (平溪线)

Thursday, January 12, 2012

There are various stations along the Pingsi District Train line (平溪线). However, the station with the most things to look at is the Shihfen Train station (十分车站). To reach here, you need to change the train (台铁) from Ruifang Station (瑞芳站) via Taipei Main Station (台北车站).

The most popular sightseeing items are:
  • Shihfen Waterfall (十分瀑布)
  • Releasing of the Skylight (天灯)
As for me, my main plan was to visit the Shihfen Waterfall (十分瀑布). However, it's sad to see that we need to go on a detour (See map below)...

Shihfen Waterfall (十分瀑布) Detour Map - Looking far
But still, I wanted to get there so let's wait for the train. :)

Oh.. here it comes

As you know, we bought the unlimited train trip ticket :D But in the end, we didn't travel to that many places as there wasn't enough time. We reach here around 4pm I think. So do take note of that, you can probably get that ticket if you are in the area around 2pm or earlier but not when it's too late. :)


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