My Melbourne Trip - Mar 2012

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

While I'm at Taiwan, here's some of the photos from the Melbourne work trip for you to look at. It's a pretty busy and hectic trip, as I was practically attending meeting during the entire trip. Although I got the chance to buy certain stuff back, I missed Haigh's chocolates.. As the shop was always closed by the time I was off work. Perhaps, it's not one of the most memorable and fun trips I had, it's one with lots of nice food.

Of course, I've got piggy with me during my trip as I ended up sitting at the Economy class ride on my way there. Luckily, the seat space is pretty reasonable for a long haul flight so I still managed to get some sleep. I still prefer to sit in the Business Class rides as I personally find it more comfortable than normal SQ / Qantas Economy rides as the seat space is better. Also, now we had the screen attached to the back of the seat like most other full class carriers although the actual movie experience is a option in one.


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