Orchard Central: Roof Garden

Monday, September 5, 2011

As we’ve known, Orchard Central is sort of the tallest shopping experience in Singapore, at least from what I saw today. There might be higher shopping center buildings but only this one has 12 floors of shopping, excluding its 2 basements levels. If not for the sake of exploring, we’ll never have realised that there are flea market like stalls at the middle of the building.

The most interesting part of the shopping centre is at its roof top, where the roof garden is!

An unbelievable art piece that seems to be hanging from the air, supported just by the bottom of the wired stairs. Fragile, yet sturdy!

Another statue at the roof garden. Cute looking but not as interesting.

Orchard Central Location
Apart from the roof garden, is probably the amount of restaurants you can find in the building itself. After all, it’s quite a tall shopping experience. If you ever visit this place, don’t forget it’s roof garden! Other than that, you can always shop at its neighbouring shopping centres. :) The experience elsewhere in terms of shopping is far better.


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