Opera House Tour @ Sydney

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Sydney Opera House
One of the famous attractions in the Sydney Opera House! Hence, we decided to drop by and take a look at what’s available. Interestingly, we found out that there’s a Opera House Tour available and decided to take up the package.
Opera House & Us
Prior to the visit, we didn’t miss the opportunity to take a photo with the Opera House!

Sydney is a place filled with beautiful structures I felt
The above is our photo taken with the beautiful buildings behind us with the sun so bright and our eyes so small.
Opera House View from The River Cruise
Back to the topic. During the Opera House Tour, our tour guide shared with us the historical background of the Opera House from the building of the place to the architectural portion and brought us around each corner of the building. Within the beautiful Opera House exterior structure is a unspoken story. The interior is filled with various interesting corners and you just have to be there to experience it.

More View from River Cruise
If you too are interested to go for the tour, do visit their website to get your tickets first. After all, it’s cheaper to buy it first online than to buy it on the spot! Try The Essential Tour.


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