Easy Card - Taiwan

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Similar to our ezLink Card in Singapore, Taiwan had their very own Easy Card where they can use to take almost all the common transports available in the city. The startup cost of the EasyCard is TWD $200, where $100 is the deposit and $100 is the value which we can use for travelling. Should the amount not be enough, the deposit may be used to make payment.

The deposit can be refunded if you no longer need the card. An admin fee of about TWD$20 will be charged for the refund, which seems to be waived if the period of use is less than 1 month. However, as we felt that we should be going again, we decided to keep the card. :)

It seems like there is no expiry date for the Easy Card, so it should be fine to keep it for long. As it also mentioned that you will need to topup the card in order to re-activate it if it is not in use for more than 2 years.

Their website: www.easycard.com.tw
Customer Service: 412-8880 (add 02 prefix if calling from mobile phone or from Kinmen or Matsu districts)


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