Tamagoya (蛋蛋屋)

Monday, November 14, 2011

Tamagoya's Egg certainly tasted nice. Just remember to moderate your intake. :) For me, I didn't exactly finished my share as I ordered too much.

Dear ordered: Omelette with Chicken
I ordered: Omelette Rice with Mushroom
Tip of the day: Decide if you still wish to order
your dessert only after you had settle the bill
They might give you a free dessert voucher after your meal. If you do get that and you can still eat, why not order another dessert? Otherwise, you can always keep it for another day I guess.
Address: 15 号台北市成都路
Tel: (02) 2371-3837
Operating Hours: 11.30am to 10pm (Extended to 10.30pm on Fri & Sat)


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