• Shifen Waterfall (十分瀑布)
  • Jioufen Tea House (九份茶坊)
  • Orchard Central Roof Garden
  • Sydney Tower
  • Yeliu - Cartoon Queen & Princess Head (野柳-卡通女皇头和公主头)

Sydney Trip Highlights

Thursday, September 29, 2011 0 comments

To conclude the highlights of my Sydney Trip:-

I enjoyed the Opera House Tour and River Cruise most. The Sydney Tower is more of a optional activity (if there’s nothing better to do) I felt. As for Queen Victoria Building, it should be considered a reasonable visit if you can spare the time.

The activities that I missed out due to the cold weather and that we had ended up with flu that I wanted to take part in most is the climbing of Habour Bridge and the Ghost Tour. If I do get to drop by Sydney again, I’d catch up on these 2 activities.

As for food wise, I didn’t recall anything that memorable… Next on the list will be my Blue Mountains Trip where my friend’s boyfriend at that time (current hubby) drive us up the mountain…

River Cruise with High Tea

Sunday, September 25, 2011 0 comments

The River Cruise
Can you imagine how enjoyable it is to sit down and relax with high tea snacks and amazing scenic views? Of course the above is just the 3 of us posing on the river cruise with the Harbour Bridge.

Sunset on The River Cruise
I love taking photographs of beautiful sunset. With my small Samsung digital camera (the one I left during one of my later trip to KL about 2 years ago…), I get to capture the views that I enjoy looking at anywhere, anytime perhaps not perfectly but at least it’s about there..

A Glimpse of the City Buildings
Here’s another shot of the City Buildings under the lights of sunset.. As you might had seen, there are a few other shots on Habour Bridge and Opera House as well in my previous posts.

Most importantly, it’s the enjoyment of afternoon tea with snacks and scenic views that makes the experience unforgettable. If you are visiting Sydney, don’t miss out the river cruise. It’s certainly worth the ride much more than the Sydney Tower part of my visit.

If my memory still serves me well, it’s probably Captain Cook Cruises High Tea session that we’ve got to enjoy our nice tasting high tea with such wonderful views… After all, this visit was 6 years ago in 2005.

Opera House Tour @ Sydney

Wednesday, September 21, 2011 0 comments

Sydney Opera House
One of the famous attractions in the Sydney Opera House! Hence, we decided to drop by and take a look at what’s available. Interestingly, we found out that there’s a Opera House Tour available and decided to take up the package.
Opera House & Us
Prior to the visit, we didn’t miss the opportunity to take a photo with the Opera House!

Sydney Harbour Bridge

Saturday, September 17, 2011 0 comments

Me & Sydney Habour Bridge
On Day 2 (23 Jul 2005), we went for sightseeing and photo taking with the Sydney Harbour Bridge. It’s a pity that it’s winter then, hence it’s too cold for us to brace through the strong winter and cold weather and make our way to climb up the bridge.

Tram Ride of Sydney!
We woke up pretty early that day, had our breakfast and headed off to catch the tram to the sightseeing area!

Just Sydney Habour Bridge
And here’s the photo I took of the Sydney Habour Bridge standing strong and steady right above the wavy river. After this, the next event we experience is the visit to the Sydney Opera House

Sydney Habour Bridge from the river cruise
Should I have a 2nd chance to visit Sydney, I’d certainly make my way up the bridge! I am thinking of either joining The Discovery Climb organized by Sydney Bridge Climb or perhaps just a DIY climb to save the fees of around AUD$200. Still considering…

Queen Victoria Building

Tuesday, September 13, 2011 0 comments

After the Sydney Tower visit, we went to shop around the city and visited the Queen Victoria Building as well. It’s a pretty impressive building with lots of wall decorations and classic design, unique statues and lifts. An experience, I’d never forget. It’s certainly worth the visit.

Queen Victoria Statue
Although most of the stuff sold there are more towards the high class range, the walk around the area is memorable, showing us the unique and well decorated features of the place probably from ages ago…

Queen Victoria Building Decoration

Sydney Tower

Friday, September 9, 2011 0 comments

Sydney Tower - 360 Degrees View (Extracted from Wikipedia)
My first overseas trip to a country further than Malaysia is Sydney, reaching there on 22 July 2005! One of the first sightseeing trip that we had was to visit Sydney Tower, one of the main attractions in Sydney. Hence, we set off straight after breakfast.

Breakfast at the hotel after checking in...
On our way along one of the street in Sydney...
As we stroll along the street proceeding towards the tower, we knew that the panorama 360 degrees view will soon be in sight.
Sydney Tower View
After getting up onto the top floor of the Sydney Tower, the view is pretty amazing but not exactly very camera friendly, perhaps not our type of camera. Unlike the photo below taken out from Wikipedia, ours is pretty normal. There’s telescope available in the area if you did pay for it, to get a better view of the city. Due to the commercialized level of the tower, there’s quite a lot of people around as well.

In my personal opinion, I’d say that this tower is probably a place you can visit just once in your lifetime, if you have the time. Btw, they do have student promotion if you have a student pass with you. Too bad, I didn’t bring mine but my friend for whom we went to the trip with brought her along as it was her graduation we are attending. In fact, we are just taking the chance to get away from work and travel around.

If you are interested in visiting the Sydney Tower, do visit their official website for more information prior to your visit. For us for this trip, we merely drop by and visit without checking out much info other than where we can visit.

Orchard Central: Roof Garden

Monday, September 5, 2011 0 comments

As we’ve known, Orchard Central is sort of the tallest shopping experience in Singapore, at least from what I saw today. There might be higher shopping center buildings but only this one has 12 floors of shopping, excluding its 2 basements levels. If not for the sake of exploring, we’ll never have realised that there are flea market like stalls at the middle of the building.

The most interesting part of the shopping centre is at its roof top, where the roof garden is!

An unbelievable art piece that seems to be hanging from the air, supported just by the bottom of the wired stairs. Fragile, yet sturdy!